Real Time
All The Time
Our New Personal Aerosol Monitor


Data are at the heart of smart cities and open the door to new services improving urban ecosystems. Committed to environmental data democratization, ECOMESURE aggregates all types of data, multi-for­mat, multi-measure, multi-frequency in a transpa­rent and secure way to the environmental data ma­nagement web platform

  • Hyperlocal (sensors)
  • Geographical Information System (GIS)
  • Mobility
  • Open data including traditional air quality moni­toring equipment
  • Urban (water, energy, waste)

This data gathering solution is dedicated to local collectivities, public services, smart city builder, solu­tion integrators and providers of connected urban equipment.



  • Acces to enriched and regular data flow
  • Data centralization
  • Data comparison and cross-checking
  • Understanding of uses and new services
  • Data aggregation into Smart City Platforms



  • Pollution monitoring at different scales
  • Air quality forecast
  • Modeling, mapping
  • Mobility
  • Smart city

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